Philip Patrick Paul Evans has skated for 13 years and has been on a serious mission. Whilst most kids are buying VX's and looking for the HD upgrade, Phil has been working his socks off turning up in various cities with his Super 8 kit planning, meeting people and formulating an exciting end product.
We are talking about his skate video The Scrum Tilly Lush that has spread like wildfire throughout the online skate fraternity worldwide since the trailers have been unleashed.
We caught up for a quick chat with Phil to find out what went into such a laborious but gratifying skate video...
So where are you and this video project based?
I'm over in Dublin, Ireland.
What made you decide to make this film?
I actually enjoy doing them believe it or not! I love indulging in anything creative, be it filming, skating, drawing or whatever. Skate videos are the ultimate creative outlet for me though!
Portrait by Rich Gilligan
Looking back was there an influential video out there that inspired you in any way?
I guess the most inspirational skate video was Alien Workshop's Photosynthesis. It's a mix of amazing music, the streets, the skaters, and the content overall.
What length is the full production overall and how long did it take to complete?
It's a full 45mins in length featuring 11 cities/sections. I started in June 2008, finished in December, but I was working a full time 9-5 office job at the time so that made it take longer, but I needed the job to afford the film.
Did you actively fly around different countries on a mission to film skating for this directly at first or did it start to come together naturally for your own enjoyment whilst you visited countries and came home with more footage?
It was a conscious decision to have a core theme to the entire project that I would shoot with a local in each city. I really like concept albums, and they're always based around one theme, so I thought that idea translated to a concept skate video would give a more consistent and refreshing result. The guys and the cities were not planned too heavily, as long as they were suitable, then they just came through contacts as I went along.
With camera's being so easily available these days was shooting this on Super 8 a challenge?
I think availability of other cameras makes this stand out more. It was a challenge in that it's a gamble with film, you don't see the instant result like digi, and I also have to send my stuff to the Netherlands as that's the closest lab!
Conhuir Lynn's kickflip's on top of the 'Europa' - Europe's most bombed hotel. Shot by Big Stu.
How did you pick the riders featured?
I started with Nick Jensen then it was just through contacts and hook ups. Nearly all the dudes I asked were down to rip and provide a couch/bed/floor, nice bunch of guys!!
What was the funniest day filming?
Filming in Belfast during the notorious Orange Lodge parades. I was advised that it was such a bad idea for someone from South of the border to come up on that day, as there is always tensions, riots and general bad stuff. A lot of friends from there just bailed for that weekend as they do every year. It made the whole thing feel like a covert mission, which I guess it was as if anyone heard my Southern accent they were throwing daggers (not literally luckily) and shouting our way, so I had to put on this ropey Belfast accent when we were around anyone else so I didn't get lynched!! "Whada bout ye big maaan". Big Stu was the one who convinced me to come up and it was worth it as we got to shoot some spectacular stuff and the 'ol bill were not concerned with us skating for once.
What are the negatives of using such a format?
You don't know if its going to come out, which is kind of a thrill too as it's pretty exciting getting the reels back. Cost was the biggest pain in the hole, film is expensive!!
Could you give upcoming videographers any advice on using Super 8 that you had to learn the hard way for this project?
Don't get a cam off e-bay, get it off an experienced Super 8 dealer or site otherwise you'll end up with problems that you'll have spent time and money on before you even know they exist! is the most helpful site you'll find.
When does The Scrum Tilly Lush officially release?
Right now, boom!
How can people support the film and buy a copy?
High fives when they see me in the street would be sick? Or else they can go to and securely purchase a copy (including postage and packaging) for the princely sum of €11. Thanks for your support!
*The Scrum Tilly Lush is a film exploring various scenes from the local's perspective through the medium of Super 8- featuring- Nick Jensen in London, Conhuir Lynn & Denis Lynn in Belfast, Danny Wainwright in Bristol, Al Collins & Wayne Gallagher in Dublin, Janne Saario in Helsinki, Per Magnusson in Malmo, Love Eneroth in Stockholm, Lennie Burmiester in Berlin, Wieger Van Wageningen in Amsterdam, Danny Lebron & Vinnie Bressol in Barcelona. Go buy one today and support your local skateboarder.
(from caught in the crossfire)
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