Monday 24 November 2008

Crazy in Cork

Despite the abscence of most of the "veteran skaters" the competition turned out to be a great success.
KOTC and hangovers made them stay at home,but the new blood didn´t miss the comp!

The park was totally wet when we got there but some redbulls and a couple of mops did the job

The band Snowman Played during the comp and cheered up everyone

improvised skater band

Some free stuff to drive everyone crazy

Under 13 : Jerry / Dermot / Connor

Under 16 : Sam / Shane / Alex

Sam Frahill ( 1st ) was the Ripper of the day

(click to enlarge)

Over 16 : Barry / Sam / Dave

Barry front tail

flip backtail

Sam back smith


Front smith


Front blunt

Dave backlip to 5-0

Olliewood Skateshop owner , Nicky o´keeffe checking the ledge before delighting us with a sweet noseblunt

Thanks to Tony from Incide surfshop for all his help!

(click to enlarge)

When the park got dark and the kids went to bed we needed some extra lights
Why not put fire on the rail?

Our Firestarter Imy
Best trick on the firerail , Barry, Perfect crooked grind first go.

Kickflip Sam frontboard
Ptay! backboard

Thanks to Ray o´neil and Jacek Pokojowczyk for covering the event.

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